Early June Garden Update
It’s been a while since I’ve shown you my garden. I’ll start with the Roses…
The yellow rose is HUGE and blooming. It’s got a red rose branch which must be a shoot from the root stock. I need to sort out which one it is so I can cut it out. In the mean time, I’m enjoying my two-tone rose!
This little pale pink rose is doing great. It was one of the smaller ones when we moved in but it’s really taking off.
The big Knock-Out rose is doing great. It’s still being held upright with a stake but I’m hoping another summer and it will start growing vertical. Any experience picking up a fallen bush rose? Any thing I should do besides stake it upright and hope it straitens itself out?
This is another of the smaller roses that came with the house. It’s growing fast. I need to prune those long leggy branches so it grows nice and bushy.
This is the “New Moon” rose that I planted this spring. No blooms yet but another couple days and we’ll see what it looks like!
And this pale pink knockout is new as well. She was blooming when I got her but she’s on her second flush of blooms.
The big yellow roses smell amazing and I’ve got some in the house and the smell is awesome.
In other garden news, the aster is getting rather large. I think I’m going to try to prune it before it blooms this fall. It got a little too big last year and needed some support to hold it up.
The spirea bloomed and then I pruned it back to a more manageable shape. It’s now a loose globe shape. It’s still big but at least now it looks tidy. Of course I don’t think we got a single picture of it in bloom. It’s been a crazy couple weeks.
The gladiolus are doing well. Another few weeks until bloom time but I think it’s going to be another spectacular show.
And the cone-flower and this white wildflower are doing well. The white flower which I can’t remember the name of, wasn’t doing so well last fall but he seems to have recovered. The cone-flower came back but I think the two of them might be too close.
I’ve also moved the houseplants out for their summer in the sun. The succulents are loving it already.
The pink bowl of succulents is still inside. The dish doesn’t have any drainage so they don’t fare well in the rain. I need to think about how to repot etc.
I’m using the plant shelf for flowers. I just can’t help myself from picking the sweet smelling roses and bringing them in. I can smell them every time I walk into the house.
Tomorrow I’m going to give you a tour of the vegetable garden so come back and check it out!
sheila zimmermann
6/4/2013 | 2:12 pm Permalink
Your grandmother would be so proud.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
6/6/2013 | 10:54 am Permalink
I think about her every time I go out to check on my roses.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
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