DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Garden Update

This last weekend I did take some time to do some planting.

I got in the order from Burgess that I talked about in this post.  It was GORGEOUS out this weekend.  60 degrees and sunny and clear.  It was great to spend some time outside digging in the dirt.

I ordered: Hostas, lavender, lilacs, peegee hydrangeas, vinca minor, creeping phlox, cinnamon ferns, Arborvitae and strawberries.

The plan is to grow a nice big peegee hydrangea in the front bed surrounded by foxglove and other part-shade perennials and filled in with the vinca minor. I’m thinking of edging the sidewalk with hosta that will hang over the edge and soften the ugly sidewalk, I am also thinking about redoing the sidewalks, I need to decide what material I will be using, my dream would be to do them with pavement, for those of you in the same situation in this page I recommend to Click here for experienced commercial paving Rochester, NY.

I’ve got a bunch of iris along the fence along with some ferns farther back.  I’m also going to sneak in some morning glory to see if we can cover that ugly fence (do I need to find good fencing company?) but the neighbors are a little anti-vines so we’ll see if they last long.  I may put white picket in front of the fence one day to cover it up.



I planted a bunch of hosta in the side yard.  I also put some lily of the valley in around the Weigela I planted last fall from the Arbor Day foundation.  Once everything sprouts, I’m planning on mulching this bed to get rid of all the grass.


I also started the great neighbor-blocking wall of 2013.  Three little arborvitae.  We’re planning on building some lattice style fencing panels between them.  I’m planning on 3 lattice panels so I need another arborvitae on the far right.  Then I think we’ll tightly space arborvitae up to the AC units and up to the Spirea bush.


You can see the arborvitae are small and a little brown-tipped.  The ship from Illinois so I think they’re just winter-burned.  I hope they come back!  I got all three for $4.99 from burgess.  I can get larger stock (1′-2′ for 3/$6.99)  They are $6.99 each from Home Depot but they look better and are easily 2′ tall.  For $70 I can get 10 good looking trees.  Or for $26.50 I can get 12 unknown looking trees.  I’m leaning towards HD but I’d love your opinions.

I ended up with 2 peegee hydrangeas so one is in a pot for now.  I’m not sure what we’ll do with it.  I’m hoping that maybe it’ll do well in a pot on the deck. There are plenty of other places it can go as well.


The creeping phlox is currently hanging out in pots on the deck.  I’d like to put it in the area on the right side of the yard but we’ve got lots of trash and scrap metal there right now!


I also got a Bargain Bag of strawberries.  25 strawberry plants of an unknown variety.  I ended up getting Festival strawberries which is great. They are June-bearing and supposed to be vigorous producers.  I have them set up in my pot.  I’m planning a squirrel-proof cage for the strawberry pot.  I’ll be sure to share when I figure out the details.


It’s been a long winter but the bulbs are finally starting to show themselves.


I can’t wait for spring to be in full bloom!

Any landscaping plans for this summer?  Want to come help me with mine?

