Look at this cool thing we Found!
While Stefan was working on the siding on the back deck, he found some cool stuff. This is right outside of the kitchen door:
We’ll post an update on the status of that siding at some point, but for today: the cool stuff we found.
First is an image of the branding of the house paper. This is the paper that goes behind siding.
A google search reveals more information about the company:
and you can buy this ad from the company on ebay. It gives you the full engraving of the girl with the waterproof building paper.
The second thing we found was this cool note on the building paper.
It’s a bit tough to read but it says Shattuck Arlington which is the local hardware store. Shattuck has been in Arlington since 1857. It is just so cool that someone wrote this on the building paper 100 years ago!
Cool Thing