DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Weekend Update – Labor day Weekend Sept 1,2,&3

We did a bit of yard work this weekend. The big tasks were to get the frame for the concrete pad built, to get the dumpster situtated so it could be hauled off this week, and clean up some brush and trees.

You can see the before and after here. The first photo was taken May 14 and the second Sept 2.  The photos don’t do the change justice.  It really opened up the yard and the space feels huge.  Once we get the shed in and get the big blue tarps out of the yard, we will really have a huge, clean, maintained backyard!


In addition to building the frame, we took down a small tree that was unfortunately situated right in front of where the door to the shed will be. We also pruned and shaped the giant Yew to the right of the shed pad. We had 3 trashcans and 7 bundles of yard waste this week! Tons of work.

I also spent some time pruning the cherry tree.  The bows were touching the ground and started turning yellow and brown.  It looks much better cut a little higher.

I also spent some time taking pictures of flowers and veggies (and insects) in the backyard.

It’s hard to see in this picture but we also did a bunch of work inside as well.  We needed to level the bathroom floor.  We accomplished this by blistering 2×6 beams next to the existing beams and bringing them up to level.  We used two 4ft levels, a level line, a generously loaned pneumatic framing nailer, and tons of structural screws.  We have 6 more boards to do and the half-bath also needs to be leveled.  Not too shabby for a days work and we definately needed to do that before we started drilling holes for electric or anything.  Next weekend will be all about getting that floor situated with the appropriate electrical, plumbing, Ethernet, etc that needs to run under the floor, we are currently looking for an electrical repair in marietta ga team.

We are also planning on having the concrete pad poured for the shed next weekend.  I also have a meeting with a DAR chapter regarding my application.  For those of you who don’t know, DAR or Daughters of the American Revolution is a charitable organization for those who can trace their lineage to a soldier in the American Revolution.  My patriot is Beriah Bliss.  My mother was a member when she was my age and my great grandmother was also a member.  It’s a bit of an elite hoity-toity group but they do good work and they are basically an organization devoted to history, patriotism, and charity.  Those are 3 things I can get behind.

The weekend after next, my sister and brother-in-law are coming into town! They are going to help us assemble the shed. I’m also planning on some electrical/plumbing work and some porch painting. It would be great if we could get the back deck sealed while they are here. That will mostly depend on the weather I suppose.

Well, that’s the update.  We are at a point in the house work where the work is not very photogenic.  We are getting behind-the-scenes work done so that we can do all the finishing before and after type stuff later.  That’s when the pictures will start getting more exciting!

Have a good short-week!
