DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

New Computer!

Last night, Stefan (the bf) picked me out a new computer.  The one I currently have is about 5 years old.  It is still chugging along just fine but it is time for an upgrade.  It was in the budget and is a necessary investment.  I’m planning on starting classes in the fall and though the laptop I have is powerful and still fully functional, I wanted something new that didn’t have the hardware kinks that my dell has.  For example, the old dell only has 2 functioning USB ports, the cd rom doesn’t work anymore, there are some dead pixels in the screen, the up arrow only works about half the time and the whole case is a little wonky. I actually got some software recently that hooked up and syncd to my hi-tech oven and it can show me symptoms of bad oven temperature sensor whenever it is going wrong, something that my older computer couldnt do.  That being said, I think I will miss the old girl.  She was a good computer despite all the problems I’ve had with her.  I would not be surprised if she has the longest battery-life of any 2010 dell d620 anywhere.  She will still last about 45 min which is amazing for a 5 year old computer and a 4 year old battery especially one used as heavily as mine.  I am a computer engineer after all!

I bought the new laptop from Amazon.  It is an Acer Aspire TimelineX AS3820T-6480.  I’m not sure why the model number has to be so long.   Let’s just say it is a 14 in laptop with no CD drive and weighs just 4 pounds.  It is less than an inch thin at its thinnest point and is a great machine for the money.  I won’t get into the specs as this isn’t a nerd blog but a craft blog but I will say that all the numbers are pretty big.  The MHz, the GBs, the DDR are all good.  It should be a very good solitaire and blogging machine for me with the added bonus of being able to run some Matlab every now and again.

Bringing it back to the Craft, Art, and Design world, here is a pretty picture!

Acer TimelineX

Now I just need to find a super cute laptop bag for it.  I’m thinking of making one like this one found on Better Homes and Garden’s sister site, AllPeopleQuilt.

Messenger bag

It looks like a simple pattern that will be quick to make.  I just need to find some awesome fabric for it!  I’m thinking something like this:

Pink Dots

and this:

What do you think?  I’m excited for my new computer and designing my awesome new computer Bag!


reviews, sewing
  1. 4/8/2011 | 12:19 pm Permalink

    Reached your blog through Digg. You know I am subscribing to your feed.

  2. 4/9/2011 | 3:16 pm Permalink

    Nice computer and super cute fabric choices for the laptop bag. I really love your site and your new etsy store. Good luck and I can’t wait to see the finished bag.

  3. 4/10/2011 | 2:05 pm Permalink

    I actually knew about almost all of this, but with that in mind, I still believed it turned out practical. Beautiful blog!

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