DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Trash Removal

Do you remember the trash pile?


It sat at the end of our driveway growing ever larger with the intention of being removed someday, sometime. This was the beginning of the summer and it grew larger by the end but really, who takes photos of mounds of trash?

Well the radiator guys came Wed and after 3 hours of horribly back-breaking labor, Valentine was excited to come the next day and pick up the pile of trash.


Pick it up he did. They loaded it all, swept, raked, and hauled it all off. I don’t know if there is a single before/after that I am more excited about than this trash removal. I guess the walls were also exciting but not tripping over splitered boards full of nails all the time is a luxury I had sorely missed.

Thanks Valentine. I appreciate it!
