DIY Sarah

Craft, Decor, Art, Garden, and Dessert

Garden Update: Tomatoes and Herbs

I’ve harvested exactly one tomato this year. It is a Black Kirim tomato and it’s finishing ripening up in my kitchen. It started to split so I went ahead and picked it. It has been mis-shapen since it started growing but it’s a big guy and I’ll bet it’s going to be delicious.


There will be plenty more Black Kirims before the summer is over.

The Romas also have tons of fruit.

They are big healthy plants

The cherry tomatoes aren’t doing quite as well but you can see this one long arm with tons of little fruit.

The cherry tomato plants just aren’t as big and are a bit more sprawling I think. All-in-all I’m pleased with my tomato results. There are a few cherries that should ripen any day now. I can’t wait!

As far as the herbs, we are just about done. They tend not to like it hot. I also had some horrible disease that attacked my Mint and Oregano.
From (blurry)Top to bottom, this is Chives, Sage, and Oregano:
and from top to bottom this is mint, parsley, and cilantro:

The cilantro bolted and died as usual and the Sage is going strong but what on earth managed to kill the mint and oregano? Normally you can’t kill mint if you try. (Oregano is also a mint..) Any ideas what could have happened? I pulled the pots out of the garden to prevent them from spreading their germs to the basil (also a mint). I’m hoping they might infect all the creeping jenny in the yard. It’s another mint-type weed.

So far, the basil is disease free and doing quite well.

I accidentally let this boxwood basil flower.

but I’ve been keeping the sweet basil under control. It’s time for some epic pesto-making.

It’s not a tomato or a herb but I snuck sweet-peas into my squash post so I’ll sneak carrots into this one.

I’ve picked about half of them. I figure I’ll wait until I cook these up before picking the rest. Though, they do last in the fridge a nice long time.

If you missed it, Check out the Garden Update: Squash post I published yesterday and stay tuned for Garden Update: Flowers coming tomorrow.

Let me know how your garden is coming and if you have any ideas on this Mint killer, let me know!



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