Painting the Piano Room: round one
So I’m not sure about this color. It just doesn’t sit right for some reason. I always wanted to do purple in this room but it just doesn’t work with the trim color and the tone of the room.
The purple I chose was Sherwin-Williams Veiled Violet.
It’s a wonderful color and I’m definitely going to end up using it upstairs in one of the bedrooms on the 3rd floor. It’s a wonderful grown-up purple with lots of grey tones.
In the piano room, however, it just isn’t quite right.
I’ve got to figure out what I’m going to do with that mantle. I need some sort of faux fireplace thing but it’s a tough problem. I think I’m going to just put a couple coats of chalkboard paint up initially. I’ve seen some cute chalkboard fireplaces and it will be a quick fix until I can come up with something more clever.
Back to the paint, what do you think? Is the purple good/bad? Is my sense that it isn’t right enough to abandon veiled violet and find a new color? A different purple or a different color? So many questions! Let me know your thoughts.
12/10/2013 | 6:58 pm Permalink
What about a grayer purple and a dad darker
Ann Wolpert
12/11/2013 | 4:57 pm Permalink
On my computer it looks fine, rather neutral. When the room is decorated I think it will integrate.